In the morning I have All Aboard class and I learn how to take care of a puppy and I also made a dog park
That dog park had hopscotch to jump hoops to swing bars to hang strings to swing race races to run toys to talk into skateboards to play running race tracks to run and hurdles to jump where are googly eyes seats too it also seats for people to sit and watch their dogs.
There are two owners Mr. Bauer and Mrs. cotton.
I had to model dogs and I use them for game is inside the dog park.
Add food to eat.
We also read a book called froggy gets a doggy.
Then I have Chinese class I write some new homework and I learned something new I learned how to write in Chinese
We also read a book called froggy gets a doggy.
Then I have Chinese class I write some new homework and I learned something new I learned how to write in Chinese
Then we make a baby unicorn and we made some hay for the unicorn to eat.
After that mom made us toast with strawberry jam. And Albert put people on it so people will ride the baby unicorn.
After that mom made us toast with strawberry jam. And Albert put people on it so people will ride the baby unicorn.