
Monday, August 23, 2021

go to costco


In the morning I get up to watch paw patrol. 
They save the city kitty. They also save a cloud surfer and chicken day. They are also save Luke stars and a runaway space alien rock. They saved adventure bay from substituted mayor humdinger. He pretended the mayor Goodway told him to rule adventure bay while she’s away.  He set up lots of silly rules.

Then we went to get Albert to school. In the way we eat our breakfast. It was a bun with cheese and egg in the middle. We both had the same. Then when we get Albert to school.

We didn’t just go home instead we went to Costco and bought lots of things. We bought lots of things that we need and bought some books that I want to read.  All of them were paw patrol books and we can read them self.

In the Costco I saw a big boxes and tiny little stuff. We buy some clothes. We also buy food and tissue. We also buy one piece of big pizza with pineapple and tomato sauce. It was extra big not the usual pizza that was why we only bought one piece. It was super delicious and it took me so long time to eat it up.

After I finished eating the giant pizza, I practice violin. I practiced all of them Daddy said I was great. He taught me some of the new songs that I did not learn before. But it was still easy and the last one that my daddy told me how to play it. I have played half of it before. It was the song jingle bells.

Then After practicing, I read my new books. They were interesting and there were books for every pup even Everest.

Then we go to get Albert home from school. I didn’t go outside. I just stayed in the car. Then we get ice cream because mom told me that after I eat my giant pizza and I can have ice cream. So I bought a two ball of Ice cream. The two flavors are watermelon and chocolate. The watermelon was on the top and the chocolate was on the bottom. We ate it in the car. It was super cold and yummy. I first started eating the watermelon one then I ate the chocolate.  Lastly I ate the cookie which in the end. I took a bite on the bottom of the cookie .All the melted ice cream came down from the hole into my mouth.

My brother Albert picked the same flavors as me. A watermelon with chocolate and watermelon on the top chocolate in the bottom. He ate it so funny. He rubbed the melted ice cream all over his lips and he says I am Santa Claus. 

Then we went home. We write Kumon and I only had to write a bit because I had finished two pages : the third page and Fourth page.

I write the fifth page First then I write The first page and the second page. 

Albert didn’t right his Kumon very well. He needed a lot of help. After just one question he asked mom to help with every question. So he only write five pages instead of 10.

Then I went to violin class. Grandma took me as violin class. I learned new notes new songs and practiced old ones.

Then I went home. I didn’t even dare stop to buy bread instead I just hurried home. Because I wanted to watch the last of the Paw patrol.

Even though I missed three of the episodes, I watch the last three.

When it was done I turned it off but Albert didn’t get to watch them. So mom use YouTube to find another paw patrol episode for Albert to watch. I also watched it.  The episode was about sweetie the royal dark. She wanted to try and take the golden throne. Because her princess will become the queen but she want to be the queen so she floated away. A bird popped some balloons. So the throne can’t fly. So sweetie used the air patroller but then the paw patrol started controlling the air patrol. Even though they were not in the air patroller. They shoot A box and the box landed on the air patrol it soon the air patrol was controllers to the paw patrol again.