In the morning I watched a little bit of paw patrol when I go to have piano class.
I learned some new Notes.Then I have ice-skating class.I learned a lot of new movements.
We eat Our brunch.
After eating we did a little play.
The play was about Albert’s school.
We used Lego to make a school and many characters.
りんくん is one of Albert's male classmate.
きこ is one of Albert's female friend.
There was a sailing boat race
They have to make a sailboat and use it to sail in the race.
Albert used a pedaling sailing boat which you have to pedal and sail.
きこ 's boat had string tied to oars and a sail
The wind push the sail let it move forward.
りんくん was cheating at the race.
He didn't make a sailing boat , he made a speed boat instead.
That is why he had no sail on his boat, instead there is an engine in the back of the boat.
In the end, the wind was really strong so it pushed Albert's and きこ 's boats forward.
So they both won.
Next was math class time. They were learning about number up to 100.
They had a game count to 100 by taking turns.
りんくん wasn't paying attention at class at all.
He was eating somebody's lunch , so he miss his turn.
At play time, the children run out to play.
きこ was playing on the slide.
Albert was playing on the swings.
They were laughing and joking and shouting , except りんくん .
He was standing around while everyone play the games.
りんくん did the third naughty thing.
This time it was the worst, he tiptoed behind Albert and pushed the swing that Albert was on.
Albert was in the air and landed in the pond.
But きこ was on the slide next to the swing, she saw what happened and told to the teacher.
The teacher came out and let Albert out first .
Then the teacher was very angry and asked りんくん why he did that.
りんくん was stammering and said he like to do naughty things.
However the teaching told him to do right things and soon he learned to be good.
And never did naughty things again.
We also watched paw patrol while eating dinner and popcorn.